Directed by: Tom McCarthy
Written by: Tom McCarthy & Josh Singer
Starring: Rachel McAdams, Michael Keaton
Runtime: 128 minutes
SPOTLIGHT portrays an ethos of journalism and accurate reporting. The film recounts the true story of how The Boston Globe uncovered a massive scandal of child molestation in the Catholic Church. This story not only shook up the entire Catholic Church, but recounted the detailed digging displayed by the Spotlight team. #goteamgo
I very much enjoyed SPOTLIGHT. I admired all of the characters that played part in this story. They all had high amounts of determination and were very hard working. They also gave a shit and stopped at nothing to uncover the truth. Because of their work, previous victims were able to come forward and recount the abuse they suffered in the past.
Some of the characters had a history with the Catholic Church. Sacha Pfeiffer (Rachel McAdams) attended mass on Sundays with her grandma. Everything she had once known was suddenly called into question. SPOTLIGHT proves that humanity and morals can be more worthy than faith in religion. This alone kept me engaged the entire time.
Has anyone ever reached a point in their life where they’re willing to sacrifice their beliefs in order to do what’s right? How far will you dig to find out the truth?